Dr. Vigneshwar Bhat

Dr. Vigneshwar Bhat

Join Him at Newburgh Yoga Shala for

About Dr. Bhat

Expertise | Indian Texts & Manuscripts

Guest Instructor, Newburgh Yoga Shala

Dr. Vigneshwar Bhat currently serves as Assistant Professor in Amrita Darshanam (International Centre for Spiritual Studies), Amrita School of Arts and Sciences in Mysuru. He is also working as Assistant Professor at the Department of Languages, School of Arts and Sciences, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Mysuru. He is also founder of Samhithaa Trust and Sadhanaganga LLP which are focusing on Life education guidance. Dr. Bhat has conducted many conferences, seminars and workshops such as -Three-day National Seminar on Texts and Manuscripts of Vedic Corpus – Sources of Indian Knowledge Traditions, Three Day International Virtual Workshop on - The Ideology Inherent in the Tradition of Vedic Recitation and Practices – An Exposure, First International Yoga Conference on Yama, Niyama, Asana and Pranayama, 30days International Rehabilitation workshop for Norwegians through Karmayoga, 7Days International “KARMAYOGA" workshop and Awareness Program on Relevance of Manuscripts.