Julie Madsen

Julie Madsen Newburgh Yoga Shala

Join Her For

  • Yoga Classes | Vinyasa Open Level | Thursdays 6:30pm

About Julie

Yoga Instructor, Newburgh Yoga Shala

Student to Teacher Journey

Julie (she/her) has found yoga to serve as an aid to helping her move through the journey of life. She believes her personal practice to serve as a constant guide into a mindful presence, which contributes to becoming more self-aware and gaining self-acceptance, something we all as humans work on for a lifetime.

You will usually find Julie in the Mysore room. She loves the consistency of ashtanga and learning more each day to better her skills as a teacher and practitioner.

Teaching Style & Influences

She has graduated from Newburgh Yoga Shala’s 200-hour Yoga Alliance YTT Program and now teaches with the goal of helping individuals achieve what she continues to find throughout the practice. Her Vinyasa classes are influenced by the Ashtanga lineage she practices in: steady, rigorous and intelligently threaded together.

Additional Interests

  • Cats and ‘True Crime’