100 Club: Brian V.

1. What yoga means to me: movement & meditation, community & commitment, stillness & peace. 

2. I first saw posts on Instagram about the Shala's opening event a while back, and I was looking for a new place to practice as I had not been doing yoga for a little while and wanted to start back up. The minute my wife and I walked in the door we felt the calm energy of the welcoming community that is the Shala. We haven't looked back since. 

3. Advice for someone new to yoga: Comparison is the thief of joy - don't worry about what others are doing or what the pose is "supposed to" look like. Be kind to yourself and just keep getting on your mat. 

4. I'm a teacher at Wallkill, and an assistant football coach at NFA. I love comics and comic movies. My favorite place is Kennebunk, Maine. My favorite band ever is Counting Crows, and I really do love all types of music, but when I'm into an artist I'll overplay that musician's album so much my kids get sick of it (they can't stand Noah Kahan because I overplayed him this summer :)


100 Club: Carla B.


Nature Revealing Itself